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Search for: Antonio

Matches: 27

Review: 'The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard' is more than a mouthful
August 17, 2021
'Vice' leads with six Golden Globe nominations
December 6, 2018
Review: 'Bullet Head' takes home best in show
January 9, 2018
Review: Antonio Banderas is in over his head in 'Acts of Vengeance'
November 28, 2017
Review: Antonio Banderas tries on comedy in 'Gun Shy'
November 7, 2017
Monday Mixer: First look at 'Zoolander 2'
August 3, 2015
'Boyhood' is all grown up with Golden Globes wins
January 12, 2015
'Birdman' soars with seven Golden Globe nominations
December 11, 2014
'Expendables 3' whistles its way through teaser trailer
December 19, 2013
Ben Affleck, 'Argo' get last laugh at the Oscars
February 25, 2013
'Lincoln' scores a leading 12 Oscar nominations
January 9, 2013
'Field of Dreams' sequel tackles football
July 7, 2011
Toronto Film Festival announces 100 Essential Films
December 23, 2010
Rocky Balboa trailer has arrived
July 11, 2006
Puss In Boots to star in 'Shrek' spin-off
November 30, 2004
Fe, Fi, Four 'Shreks'
May 25, 2004
Finally! A Boy For Andy Garcia
January 30, 2002
Antonio Not Big Enough Star For 'Phantom' Role
January 9, 2002
Denzel Traded AFI Awards For Football Game
January 8, 2002
Melanie Back In Rehab
November 2, 2001
Steve Buscemi Joins 'Spy Kids 2'
October 16, 2001
Antonio Banderas To Portray F1 Racer
September 18, 2001
Antonio Gets Embarrassed Naked
August 31, 2001
Angelina Digs Melanie Over Antonio
August 3, 2001
Salma Hayek Sexier Than J.Lo According To Survey
June 6, 2001
The 'Desperado' Rides Again
May 9, 2001
Another Bambino For The Banderas Family?
April 26, 2001