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A 'Blue' Lightsaber Special: Episode I On DVD?

Posted Monday, March 19, 2001 at 6:16 PM Central

by John Couture

Please take this next piece of information as pure conjecture until we get it verified from somebody at Fox. But, various sources on the Internet are reporting that Fox and George Lucas are getting ready to announce that Phantom Menace will be the first movie in the Star Wars franchise to be released on the coveted DVD format.

Details at this point are sketchy, but the offering would be a two disc special edition with a bunch of additional special features, such as, numerous deleted scenes, two versions of the movie, several audio commentaries, etc. The rumored date is October 16, 2001.

Again treat this as highly suspect, we only mention it because everyone is asking about it. Apparently, it's so hush, hush that Lucas dusted off his old psuedonym "Blue Harvest" (which was the production title used for Return Of The Jedi) and will only refer to this project as such. I'm dreaming of a Jar Jar Halloween...