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A Quest for God

2017 Not Rated 60 Minutes

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In Theaters N/A
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On DVD October 10, 2017

From the moment we are born, we are subjected to a bewildering array of religions belief systems competing for our soul. From the often threatening and dark, to the spiritual and light, from the controlling to the freedom loving...there is a religion for everyone. And yet, so many still feel they are missing something. There remains a void, an empty space within us that no text written by man can fill. And so, after millennia we still ask the same questions about the existence of God and the meaning of our lives. But now we have a new science, a new understanding of our universe and it has opened up before us new possibilities and answers. Quantum physics explains much more than actions of sub-atomic particles, it reveals truths about our lives and ourselves; it fills the void that so many of us need to fill. Explore the cosmic nature of the quantum world and the role of our soul within it in this fascinating speculative documentary film.

Not Rated.

Released by Widowmaker Films. See more credits.