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Search for: Joëlle Coeur

Partial Title Matches: 6

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Avail. Title Year
Le Souffle Au Coeur

Lea Massari
Benoit Ferreux
Daniel Gelin
Michel Lonsdale

Cry of the Heart 2012
A La Place Du Coeur

Ariane Ascaride
Christine Bruecher
Jean-Pierre Darroussin
Gerard Meylan

Blu-rayDVD Un Coeur En Hiver

Daniel Auteuil
Emmanuelle Beart
Andre Dussollier
Elizabeth Bourgine

Requiem Pour Un Beau Sans-Coeur

Gilder Roy
Jean-Guy Bouchard

Blu-rayDVD Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart

Orlando Seale (voice)
Samantha Barks (voice)
Michelle Fairley (voice)
Stephane Cornicard (voice)


Availability Icons:
In TheatersNow in or coming soon to THEATERS
Blu-rayOn or coming soon to BLU-RAY
DVDOn or coming soon to DVD