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Gwyneth Gets Off The Bottle And On The Mat

Posted Tuesday, December 4, 2001 at 2:03 PM Central

by Heather Koehler

The only thing Gwyneth Paltrow will take with a twist will be her yoga moves after she decided to give up drinking and focus more on her exercise method.

“I drank vodka tonics all the time. But I found my kidneys got really hard because of it,” the Shallow Hal star said. The constant drinking was interfering with her ability to practice yoga, one of her most beloved hobbies.

Now, Ms. Paltrow takes two hours every morning for her yoga routine and says no to caffeine, wheat, dairy, sugar and meat, which is referred to as a macrobiotic diet.

“Macrobiotics is not about keeping thin. It’s about eating helaty and clean. Although I have to say that as I get into my later 20s I can’t eat whatever I want anymore! I’m like, ‘What happened to my metabolism?’”

It’s nice to see Gwyneth Bounce back. At least she won’t be rooming with Ben Affleck again.