We have movies not available at Redbox or NetflixWe have movies not available at Redbox or Netflix

Attack Of The Flying Penguins

Posted Monday, March 19, 2001 at 5:37 PM Central

by John Couture

Ok, maybe not, but with Adam Sandler and Paul Thomas Anderson joining forces, you never know what you'll get. Or do you?

Apparently, the plot has leaked out on this hush, hush movie. It goes something a little like this. Sandler plays the owner of a failing phone sex business (seems on target so far) who is being chased by three thugs after investment money that they divested in this scam operation. Sandler's sister tries to set him up on a blind date with Emily Watson, but he is hesitant. He does meet her by chance later on and falls for her, but doesn't tell her (of course). At some point, his character starts collecting coupons from a pudding company that can be turned in for frequent flyer miles. Ultimately, he earns enough miles to fly anywhere in the world for free. He decides to go to Hawaii and try to find the woman that he's been pining for all these years.

Ok, so no raining frogs, but I'm still convinced that we could be seeing waterfalls of pudding...