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Chewbacca returns to the Star Wars saga

Posted Monday, April 28, 2003 at 2:15 PM Central

by John Couture

Everyone's favorite Wookiee is set to return to the big screen in Star Wars: Episode III. Actor Peter Mayhew, who brought Han Solo's side kick Chewbacca to life in the original Star Wars trilogy, has been tapped by George Lucas to play the beloved Chewbacca one more time.

"I'm delighted to return as Chewbacca," states Mayhew. "I think his re-appearance in this film is a fitting way to tie the whole saga together, especially for Wookiee fans." Mayhew, a fan favorite, has aspired to be included in the prequels for many years and has been a regular on the Star Wars convention circuit.

Chewbacca is the first confirmed return character from the original trilogy, but he surely won't be the last. With Episode III set approximately 17 years before Episode IV, it seems reasonable to assume that other supporting characters will be sprinkled throughout the upcoming movie to help tie the two trilogies together.