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Columbia Wants To Know Which TV Shows You Want To See On DVD

Posted Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 8:10 AM Central

by Tim Briscoe

The biggest trend in DVD is the release of TV series on the digital media format. Be it a complete season of a given series or just a collection of the best episodes, these releases are being gobbled up by consumers. And the studios are loving. They get to recycle classic, recent and even current shows at minimal expense for often huge gains.

Up until now, we've had to accept which TV shows the studios serve us on DVD. Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment is currently polling consumers on which series they would like to see next on DVD.

You can vote for your top five choices from a list of 25 of their TV properties. The poll is available at http://www.sonypictures.com/cthe/tv/poll/index.html.

The list is a collection of mostly sitcoms from various decades and levels of popularity. Shows include classics like "Daddy Knows Best" and "I Dream Of Jeannie", lost favorites like "Diff'rent Strokes" and "Soap", and current cult hits like "The Tick" and "Dilbert", as well as modern junk like Pam Anderson's "V.I.P." Notable omissions from the list are Columbia properties "Seinfeld" and "Charlie's Angels".

Although Columbia makes no promises to release a DVD of the poll winner or to even present the list of top-vote-getters, this is a rare opportunity to potentially impact a studio's decisions. May we suggest you take advantage of it.