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Co-Star Confirms Affleck Is Not A 'Hair Club For Men' Member

Posted Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 9:46 AM Central

by Tim Briscoe

Rumors have been running rampant that Ben Affleck is balding and has resorted to wearing a toupee. His co-star for the upcoming Daredevil, Colin Farrell, is now denying those claims. "Ben Affleck does not wear a toupee. He has a great head of hair. You can literally pull it and it's not coming off," says Farrell.

And Farrell should know. He plays Bullseye, the nemesis to Affleck's blind-lawyer-turned-superhero in 2003's Daredevil.

This is good news for the vain Affleck but we'd rather hear the opinion his other Daredevil co-star, Jennifer Garner. The hottie who seems to be on the cover of every entertainment magazine these days plays Elektra, Affleck's love interest in Daredevil.