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War has come down on Calradia. In a land torn by constant danger, raids and skirmishes, you will raise and lead your own war band, commanding dozens of hardened soldiers. Mount & Blade is a single-player, third or first-person action/role playing game featuring groundbreaking horseback combat, intuitive swordplay, and a free-form environment in which players can roam freely.

Features Overhauled graphics; HDR, FSAA, Depth of Field, Soft particles, Tone Mapping and many other effects are all now implemented. Majority of Models are being redone. Multiplayer battles can now handle up to 64 players with Mods including ‘Team Death Match’ and ‘Search & Destroy’. Ability to become the ruler of a faction and convince lords to become your vassals in the Single Player Campaign. Ability to upgrade your companions to vassalage by granting them land. Improved Mechanics for Soldier Morale: Soldiers will break and run away if their morale gets too low.

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