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Final Fantasy VI Advance

Game Boy Advance

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Rated E10+

Join the Revolution! The Gestahlian Empire, armed with the secrets of Magitek, holds the world in chains - until a young woman named Terra frees herself from its control and joins a band of rebels known as the Returners. Armed with her magic powers, they struggle to uncover the secrets of the ancient War of the Magi and the source of the Empire's power.

* Command a ragged band of heroes in a desperate quest to free your world from the Empire's grasp! With Edgar's tools, Terra's magic, Sabin's fists and the skills of over a dozen additional characters, the Returners need only one thing to seize victory from the Empire, YOU!

* Summon the power of the espers, magical creatures enslaved by the Empire. Never-before-seen espers like Leviathan, Cactuar and Gilgamesh will lend their strength to you as you explore the all-new Dragon's Den dungeon.

* Just because the adventure ends doesn't mean the action has to! Study your foes with the Bestiary, and then face them all in continuous battle in Soul Shrine, or relive your favorite songs in the bonus music player.

* Featuring improved graphics, a new translation, and a remixed soundtrack, Final Fantasy VI Advance is the definitive version of this classic RPG title.

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