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OK Go and The Muppets, a match made in mash-up heaven

Posted Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 3:44 PM Central
Last updated Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 4:18 PM Central

by John Couture

When I heard that OK Go, a band that I enjoy quite a bit, was covering the The Muppet Show Theme Song, I was naturally intrigued. When they announced last week (via video of course) that The Muppets would be joining the kings of music videos for a video of said song, I literally couldn't sleep.

The Muppets in an OK Go video? Genius! Of course, the expectations were so high that disappointment would be imminent, right? Nope, not one bit.

The video dropped today and suffice to say OK Go continues not only its tradition of making great music, but also their impeccable run of amazing music videos. We've all seen the amazing treadmill video that started it all, but each successive video has literally been a case of one-up-manship with themselves.

So, how would they outdo themselves yet again? Well, you'll have to sit back and see for yourself below. Needless to say, I think that they succeed. What do you think?

The cover of The Muppet Show Theme Song is part of a compilation of Muppets cover songs performed by some of today's top indie acts and singers for a record called "The Green Album." It's out today and is naturally in support of the new Muppets movie coming out on November 23.