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Episode II According To C-3PO

Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 at 9:25 AM Central

by John Couture

The man behind C-3PO is staying true to his alter ego: he's letting his mouth get him into trouble. Breaking the strict "no-talk policy" on Episode II, Anthony Daniels gave away a few new pieces of information on the latest Star Wars adventure.

He mentioned that both C-3PO and R2-D2 get more involved with the plot of the new adventure, much like their involvement in the initial trilogy. He also noted that Yoda will be more active and we'll get to see a new, meaner side of Yoda as he gets involved in actual fighting sequences for the first time. And when he was asked about a potential title, Daniels returned to his mum state, saying only that Lucas hasn't decided on one yet.