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Sarah Jessica Parker Slams Britney

Posted Friday, March 15, 2002 at 3:41 PM Central

by Heather Koehler

We may have just discovered the first match-up for the next round of celebrity boxing after what Sex In The City star Sarah Jessica Parker had to say about little Britney Spears.

The recent rumor that Britney would make a guest appearance on the HBO series fired up newspapers everywhere, but they didn't get near as hot as Ms. Parker.

"I worked too damn hard to get this show to where it is today, and I'll be damned if I'm going to be upstaged by a Mouseketeer," Sarah demanded. A close source also said the star believed it was "just a casting gimmick" and "she didn't like the idea of a 20-year-old on the show making her look like a much older woman."

Britney co-starred with 'Sex' regular Kim Cattrall in her debut movie Crossroads. Even if Kim did try to pull strings for the pop star, she didn't pull hard enough.